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A 6-step programme for adults & young people suffering from insomnia or poor sleep.


The programme will address your relationship with sleep, challenging your beliefs and perceptions. You will also understand  how your brain directly affects your sleep, and create a personalised plan for what better sleep hygiene looks like for you.


It will also answer:

  • Do I need 8 hours sleep a night to function?

  • Can I sleep without sleeping pills?

  • Will poor sleep affect my long term health?

  • Will I ever sleep through the night again?

  • How can I enjoy my bedroom again?


The 6-step programme is ideally held once a week as a 1:1 session. 


Session 1 - In-depth consultation & relaxation recording

We will talk about what you are struggling with and set goals for what you hope to get from our sessions

Session 2 - Sleep and the brain

How our brain's affect the way we sleep. The importance of REM and how to get more of it.

Session 3 - Changing your thoughts about sleep

How our thoughts and perceptions affect how we sleep and what we can do to change them.

Session 4 - Sleep and lifestyle

The impact of what we do in our day and our evenings on how we sleep.

Session 5 - Taking control of your sleep

What does better sleep look like for you and how to maintain this.

Session 6  - Better sleep

Agreeing your personalised sleep plan with follow up notes.


Cost - £360


Image by David Mao
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